Let me start with Hello:
This is my first Seminar swap in 2004...I made 150 of these. Yeah, I thought bad things about butterflies for a while after all that cutting. But, I still love butterflies, I just add them more easily to cards now.
I started TAC March 2004...and "All Things of Nature" was one of my free sets.
I have soooo many favorite stamp sets, "Happy Trails" is just one of them.
TAC, staff and fellow Angels have brought me such JOY over the years!
I just have to say THANK YOU to all!
One of my 2006 Contest entries...I didn't win, but this card was a huge hit with my hostesses and customers. I can't even count how many times we made this card.
TAC and I share the same birthday month: March. And at one Seminar my birthday was the closest and I won FREE stamps!
Lighthouses are a passion of mine...and this card came to be right after a party the hostess held at my house. I was trying to tell her other things to do with a brayer...and voila, one more card. Wrap rubberbands around a brayer, ink up, and go to town. This is on glossy cardstock.
"Remember when"...I have so many fond memories of TAC, Seminars, Winter Retreats, Angel friends. I'm so glad I'm a camera junkie...I have lots of pictures.
Little by little, day by day...that's how my TAC life grew. I feel I'm saying goodbye to a treasured friend.
Other friends joining me in a Fond Farewell:
Julie: http://juliesstamppad.blogspot.com/
Seleise: http://www.amethystcat.blogspot.com/
Rita W.: http://handmadebits4u.blogspot.com/
Donna: http://lakesidestamper.blogspot.com/
Chan: http://purpledfly.blogspot.com/
Mary: http://www.marysangelinspirations.blogspot.com/
Angela K. http://www.angelakelley.blogspot.com/
Laura: http://www.thecraftysister.com/
Barbara: http://www.stampingwiththekamperstampr.blogspot.com/
Trudy: http://www.trudystreasures.blogspot.com/
Shirley: http://glitteredpaws.blogspot.com
Wendy: http://wendyswhimsyandwit.blogspot.com/
Carol: http://stampincarol.blogspot.com/
Rita K. http://ritasangels.blogspot.com/
Chelsea: http://inkystamps.blogspot.com/
Kim: http://angelatmydoor.blogspot.com/
PaulaKay http://www.angelstampingwithpk.blogspot.com/
Teresa: http://mamapickle.blogspot.com/
Maria: http://www.meastamper.blogspot.com/
Angie: http://www.creativeinkspirations.com/
Deb Miller: http://www.creamcityangels.blogspot.com/
Diana: http://memorycrafter.blogspot.com/
Betty G.: http://www.stampinteacher.com/
Christine: http://christines-creativetherapy.blogspot.com/
Sandy A. http://inkingofyou.blogspot.com/
Char: http://pawsn2stamp.blogspot.com/
Diane H. http://www.thesmilinstamper.blogspot.com/
Chris F. http://allamericanstampers.blogspot.com/
Stacy http://www.stacysangelcreations.blogspot.com/
Rita H. http://www.ritaholmes.blogspot.com/
wow - what fun memories - so many different images that I've never seen. love the variety! So glad to have met you at seminar and glad TAC brought all of us together!
Fun cards Ginger, TFS!
Fun to see all those sets again - awesome Ginger!
Love looking back through your creations! Wishing you the best in everything you do!
great cards - I rememver some of those sets too - thanks for sharing...
wow Ginger ... what a great post ... great memories of those stamps! I am glad that TAC brought us together.
Such fond memories. I remember eating lunch with you and Rita K in San Antonio at Fuddruckers during one of our Leadership Retreats. Those were fun get togethers. It was fun taking the Copic Classes together too last October. It's been fun.... and will continue to be fun. See you on Facebook and on your blog!
I love your cards, especially the "send chocolate" one!
Such great cards and wonderful memories...
oh stop it--thanks for making me cry! what a great tribute..i know this is not the end of our friendship--i treasure having you as my friend!
Oh my gosh, I didn't even think to post some of my earlier cards....that would have been a hoot!!! I have TAC to thank for coming a long way in my stamping, although I still have a long ways to go.
Thanks for the memories!!
What a great tribute to your time with TAC! Thanks for sharing! Best of luck in your new adventure!
What fun memories, I still have most of those sets! Some sets you just can't part with.
Oh Ginger, I love all your cards. Seeing these sets again, it's happy and sad at the same time. Good luck in your future creative adventures!
Ginger love seeing everything here. Glad you made it through Irene. I look forward to continue seeing more and keeping in touch on FB.
Hey Sweet friend! Love your blog post and your cards, keep in touch, I sure going to miss you every summer!! you were one of the reason I kept going!
What a great trip down memory lane - how awesome that you still have some of the cards - well okay so do I (can you spell card hoarder?). I have most of those sets too and just can't part with them. What a wonderful tribute to TAC.
Great cards! Such fond memories. I've had a few of these stamp sets... Hugs!
Very fun cards. Thanks for the memories,
What a journey! Awesome cards - TFS!
Great post - wonderful memories,eh?!?
I love all of your cards! You did a beautiful job! thank you for sharing!
How fun to see so many of the old images! Your way of using the cards to speak your message is wonderful too
Thanks for sharing your cards & fond memories of TAC and seminar! It's fun to look back and see how our styles have evolved over the years!
Looking forward to seeing you at WAG!
Ginger-rita!! Boy we had fun at that seminar together .... I have been blessed to have meant you and will keep in touch via blog. I loved seeing your cards and actually remember some of them. I know you will do great with AMuse. Blessigns
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